Monday, 6 June 2011

A Future for Facebook?

Happy Monday!

With this being my first blogging experience, I have been wondering where to begin. When running through my possible options, naturally, my brain (returning from its rather lengthy absence of around 17 years) gave me the idea of "at the beginning". So, I guess we might as well take it from there. 

With only a matter of days to go until the 4 weeks period of soul destroying, agonising torture (otherwise known as A-Levels), a common emotional concoction amongst fellow students is a complicated mixture of panic, stress, regret, headaches, pro-plus, red bull, and boredom, with each element slowly dragging us further away from the goal of successful revision (much as this blog is doing now). When thinking about it, exams do seem rather frivolous. Leaving around 15 years of education behind us, all we manage to salvage is a small collection of letters, and oddly enough, these will determine our futures. Regardless of our past achievements, it is the performance on the day that counts, and although society deems this a fair way of understanding one's abilities, I, and I reckon I am not alone in this thought, cannot see how that is possible.

Every one of us is an unique individual, with nobody else possessing the same combination of qualities and quirks, yet each one of us could have the same letters on our CVs. Furthermore, in a job you are not there just to perform on the day, you need to produce consistent performances - if any examiners are reading (which I highly doubt), please do not get the idea that more exams is an ideal solution! Although the sections on your personal activities and experiences go some way describing who you are, arguably, in this day and age wouldn't it be more appropriate to attach a link to your Facebook profile? Anybody can list an attribute on a CV whether they possess it or not, but after a long and lengthy profile stalk, employers would not only gain a broader understanding of you, but they would also have a much more enjoyable task in doing so! 

Do not get me wrong, the system we have now, although flawed, is the only reasonable way of dealing with this process. Although it has its issues, any other means of doing so would be impossible, or in the future will we see the CV replaced by the profile stalk? With this being highly unlikely to happen (until Mark Zuckerberg runs for PM in a coalition with Jeremy Clarkson - perhaps the cause of 2012?) our futures will be determined in the next few weeks. So, it is now time to rediscover our pencil cases, blow the inches of dust of the thrilling book "From Kaiser to Fuhrer: Germany 1900-1945" (oh dear... hours of fun awaits) and bend our minds to focus on work, completing our final journey through the education system and into the real world *dun dun duuuunnn*

And so readers, this concludes my first blog. I shall leave you now with a quote which seems appropriate for the next few weeks, “If you worry about yesterday’s failures, then today’s successes will be few. The future depends on what we do in the present” - Gandi

Until the next time...


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